A long time ago I used to chase each
“flavor of the month” workout
from the various $5 magazines out there…
and I eventually learned that
you get what you pay for.
I started searching for the industry gurus. Over the past decade, I have had the opportunity to meet many professional strength coaches including Charles Poliquin, Ian King and Charles Staley. The all have unique and valuable perspectives that I learned from and utilized in my training. In fact, here is a picture of me after using strength training principles from these coaches and following a very specific meal plan.

Well, after many years of intense lifting, very little stretching and lots of sitting at a desk job, the weak links of my body really started to impact my lifting. Lower back pain was the most recent and most painful! If you’ve ever experienced lower back issues you know what I’m talking about here.
At one point I couldn’t even hold my 1 year old son in my arm. That was the straw that broke the camel’s my back and it was time to take action!
I thought my lifestyle of strength training and fitness was in my rear view mirror. I wondered how I would be able to play with my 3 children without suffering in pain..
That’s when I discovered the work of Strength coach Eric Cressey
If you don’t know Eric Cressey, he is a highly sought-after strength coach for healthy and injured athletes alike. Eric has authored over 200 articles that have been featured in local and national publications such as Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, ESPN, T-Muscle, Parents and Kids, and EliteFTS. As the co-owner of Cressey Performance, Eric works with everyone from young athletes to professional and Olympic ranks.
I was excited to learned that Cressey Performance was only 1 1/2 hours from where I work. One phone call and $300 later, I was a Cressey Performance client!
Eric designed a 4 week training program for me to address several muscle imbalances and issues. I performed 2 workouts per week at my home facility and 1 per week at Cressey Performance.
The program was unlike anything I had ever done!
When was the last time you started a workout with foam rolling and mobility work??
Below is a video of yours truly performing chain push-ups at Eric’s facility.
After 4 weeks, I was shocked at the dramatic improvements I experienced. I wished I could continue to train at Cressey performance but the cost and travel time were both prohibitive based on my situation (Note: The cost to have a custom program from Eric Cressey AND train at Cressey Performance is an excellent value).
I learned about Eric Cressey’s comprehensive new program called “Show and Go”
Well, after experiencing first hand the quality and results of Eric’s programs, I decided that purchasing the Show and Go program was a no-brainer.
Here’s what I received in my electronic download:

The Show and Go System Training Manual
The manual is very well written and easy to digest. The best part of the manual (besides the programs) is the problem solving question and answers.
The Show and Go Video Database
I can’t even explain how valuable it was to have the video database. There are so many useful exercises in the program and having the video library was like having Eric Cressey as a 24/7 personal coach!
Show and Go Training Templates
These templates are the some format as the ones used at Cressey Performance by professional athletes. Cressey has written 4 day, 3 day and even 2 day per week training options to fit with your lifestyle and obligations.
5 Supplemental Metabolic Conditioning Programs
These programs will be sure to increase your work capacity and burn some fat if that’s your goal.
Show and Go Exercise Modifications
Not every gym has the same equipment. It’s amazing how many programs fail to recognize this! Don’t have access tp a cable column? No problem!

…and the following bonus materials (very useful!)

- Five Fantastic Finishers
- Innovative Soft Tissue Strategies for Health and Performance
- The Top Five Glute Exercises
- Quick Video Reference Guide
The first thing I noticed was that the manual was well laid out and very easy to read. There are extremely useful question and answer sections as well as exercise substitution lists.
I found the on-line video library to worth the cost alone! I now had access to videos of Eric Cressey performing every exercise, stretch and mobility drill in the entire program!
The workout templates included in the program are the same ones used at Cressey performance and used by top athletes throughout the nation.
Not only did I increase my strength in the “big lifts”, I felt like I could actually move better! The mobility drills, stretching and foam rolling routines reduced upper back tension that I have experienced for more years than I care to admit!
Here’s the bottom line. If you want to look, feel
AND perform better then you can’t go wrong with
the Show and Go program