Below you will find several excellent “fitness” programs that I have personally reviewed, and approve of!
There are too many web sites that have garbage content and throw affiliate links all over the place. They say money talks and BS walks. Well, BS has somehow walked to tons of crappy fitness sites that have a fake liar behind the curtain.
I guarantee that most site owners are only interested in trying to make a quick buck and don’t “walk the walk”.
All my friends and followers know that I am the real deal and practice what I preach!
Here is a table of programs I have personally reviewed, followed and approved of. I spent my own hard earned money on several of them so I can provide a truly objective review. I provide pros and cons as well as other tips, an overall rating and, of course, my affiliate link if you would like to give one of the programs a shot.
Each program is sold through ClickBank and has a 100% no bullshit refund policy. I can personally attest to this fact and put my reputation where my mouth is!
Name: Show and Go
Category: Strength, Lean Muscle and Fat Loss
Author: Eric Cressey, CSCS
Who’s it for: Men and women who want to move better, get stronger and look great to boot!If you are an athlete or a weekend warrior looking to get functionally stronger, then Eric Cressey is your man!
I have personally trained at his facility, Cressey Performance, in Hudson MA. I have learned all my mobility drills as well as some kick ass exercises from this program. It’s a must have! Overall, 4/5, only because it’s a bit more pricey but worth every penny. |
Muscle Gain:
Fat Loss:
Name: Lean Hybrid Muscle
Category: Lean Muscle, Fat Loss and Strength
Author: Elliot Hulse, CSCS
Who’s it for: Men and women who are interested in losing fat AND building muscle using a variety of nutrition and training techniques.Without a doubt this is the best program I have reviewed to date and it aligns with all the principles I discuss on my site, including bodybuilder and strength development techniques, concurrent fat loss and lean muscle gains, carb cycling and intermittent fasting. The nutrition plans and weight training templates are very well done! Overall 5/5!Tip: Elliot has a great video (it’s a sales letter) you can watch if you click the More Info button in the column to your right. If you would rather not watch the video, you can click back, followed by “Stay on Page” twice and you will be directed to a $14.95 trial option. This is a great deal and you can cancel if you are not satisfied! |
Muscle Gain:
Fat Loss:
Name: Truth About Abs
Category: Fat Loss, Healthy Lifestyle
Author: Mike Geary, CSCSIf you have never seen your abs before and are ready to take action, then this program is for you! Mike provides everything you need to know and much much more in this ebook. I give it a 3/5 for overall because I would have liked to see training templates included with the book. Having said that, there are dozens of exercises and meal plans explained as well as what steps you need to take to finally see those abs.Tip: Once you click on the More Info Button in the column to your right, it will take you to the Truth About Abs Site. You can watch to informative video OR click on the Order Tab at the red arrow shown below. Once there, you will find a trial offer for only 4.95 and you can cancel if you are not satisfied! |
Muscle Gain:
Fat Loss: